Midway Reflections


            Africa, Oceania, and America thus far has opened my eyes to so much about art, culture, different belief systems, dedication of the people, and the values that are significant and vital for the people. I am definitely finding it more interesting than I was expecting, never been a person who was good at or understood how to show artistic expression. There have been many interesting points throughout this journey, but the newest and most significant has to be the Mesa Verde. This is because after watching that video and listening to the ranger explain some of the information about how the people lived and where. It was so fascinating to see the houses and the kivas. I want to experience this first hand, I actually want to take my kids and go there! It is a way for us to experience their culture and appreciate some of their values first hand.

            The blogging experience has been completely new to me, and was overwhelming at first. I still do not know how to navigate the forums as much as I’d like to. Writing blogs however has been enjoyable and love the way we are able to select topics and items that interest us. It helps me stay connected with what I am learning and to reflect on that learning. I am hoping there is more opportunity for this throughout the rest of the semester. The discussion posts are also a lot like the blogs- in the sense that I am able to select interesting topics sometimes and reflect on what I have learned. I think I like the blogs a little better because you can connect certain thoughts or ideas together. Reading the discussion posts, you can start to get to know your classmates. With the blogs, I am able to connect several ideas and thoughts to the same person. Allowing a deeper connection I think. 

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