Tattoos as American as Apple Pie or Dulce de Leche

While looking for blogs that are connected to Mayan, Aztec, Olmec, Oaxacan, Zapotec or Mixtec art- I came across this one. It’s not really what I was looking for but interesting just the same. This blogger argues that Tattoos are as American as Apple Pie! Very interesting read that got me thinking. I- for one am not a tattoo person or one to encourage it, but she makes some very valid points and who am I to stand in the way. (I won’t)

Institute for Latinx Hispanic Health Equity

My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.”
― Johnny Depp

 Johnny Depp is not a man of many public words. He is pretty and makes quirky movies and so goes his brand. But when he noted that tattoos were his story he got me thinking for he was surely onto something. At least for around 15-38% of the American public that has a tattoo. Tattoos have been used by people of all cultures for centuries on end, but only recently have tattoos gained social acceptance in the United States. Some 45 million Americans, or close to 21% of the entire population has a tattoo. Note that back in 1936, only 6% of Americans had a tattoo (or so we were told by those that disclosed).  How is this for the complete turnaround surrounding the social acceptability of tattoos. Did you see that Miss Kansas…

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